Off the Beaten Shelf

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Revised, Revamped, and Better Than Ever

Having a book blog means people are always asking me how many books I read a year.

It’s a question I love answering because when I tell people I read over 100 books a year, it leads to a second question: How?!

That’s where the fun begins.

Over the years, I’ve developed all these habits that have allowed me to read more and more. I see opportunities for reading where most people don’t and I’ve come up with creative ways to sneak reading time into my daily life, even when I’m super busy.

I get this question so often that I decided to compile all my tips and tricks into a tiny but mighty how-to guide called Read More, Live More: Time Management Tips to Help You Read More Than You Ever Thought Possible.

Tons of wisdom, all easily accessible in one place. It’s newly revised and revamped, so it’s even better than ever. And I’m getting great feedback on it. Folks are slaying their reading challenges and TBR piles left and right!

If you’ve ever wondered how power readers read so much, here’s your key.

And it’s only 99 cents. Not even a whole dollar.

Click the button for instant access to the ebook.

I can’t wait to hear how many more books you read this year!