Thursday Word Day: Gastronomy

Source: unsplash

Source: unsplash

Happy #ThursdayWordDay! 

Today's word isn't too out there, but it's one that you could use often if you're a foodie. (Or if you just like to eat. And, let's be honest, who doesn't?!) says, "gastronomy: noun. 1) the art or science of good eating. 2. a style of cooking or eating." 

I don't know about you, but between Taj India, Makario's, Chop Suey Inn, and Los Amigos, I think I've pretty much got Birmingham gastronomy down. But I'm always open to suggestions, so drop me some in the comments and let me know how you're planning to use "gastronomy" today. 

Join the #ThursdayWordDay fun on Twitter by hashtagging your adventures in vocab. 

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